
走过,必留下痕迹。欢迎留言。 ^^

Saturday, May 7, 2011


最近真的很累,一直在k书和笔记。睡觉时间也变了,少了。几乎一天才睡2, 3个小时。(不要看我平时爱玩,其实我也是很认真,很努力哦~xD)考试的压力真的很大,压力是从哪里来的呢?对我而言,我觉得压力是从家人,朋友和自己来的。


有时候有竞争,未尝不是件坏事。因为有竞争,所以要做到比对方更好。我喜欢良性的竞争,很公平。可是,不是每个人可以做到。所以将心比心,顺其自然吧~ ^^

对自己的要求很高,所以有压力。不想输,所以努力。王子的本能是什么?很简单,就是~ 输不起!难道不是吗?哈哈!=P

终于,考完试了!正个人变得很轻松,很快乐!可是心情很怪,总觉得空空的。每次考完一科,就忙着第二科。就这样考完,突然~空空了。考试考上瘾。。哈哈!!=.='' 不知道成绩会怎样,也不想太多~ 好好的补眠吧!xD

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Discard the extra details of your stories, and resist the urge to share too much.

Sometimes the road you're traveling on gets shrouded in fog.
 If that happens, don't pull over and wait for the weather to clear. 
Time is not to be wasted -- keep going, slowly but surely, on the same path.
 If you let little things stop you from where you want to go,
or what you want to accomplish,
 your confidence will take a beating.
 Soon enough, you'll see a clear sign that will put your fears to rest and your mind at ease. 
You were on the right path the whole time.